Will she propose me?

Tony Steven Sheldon
3 min readMay 16, 2021


Photo by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash

Men are 1.7 times more likely to suicide than women all over the world according to data of 2015. In the western world, men are 3–4 times more likely to die of suicide than women. This is called the gender paradox in suicide. Not because men are more likely to suicide, but because they die more even though suicidal thoughts are more common amongst women. Or maybe it is a paradox because the numbers don’t match with what men express.

For all the misogyny and patriarchy in the world, ironically enough, men lose a lot too. It is very expected since you can’t expect a system based on lies to give any meaningful results.

Men pretend to know how to rule the world, hanging on the rope. Women fight for the throne, in an uphill battle all the way. Both genders, nonetheless, lose out on the kingdom in the end.

The title of this article is of course clickbait. But it’s true to a certain extent. In two ways actually.

One is- that why are we so uptight about our culture and our roles in it?

The second is- if we are already intelligent enough to manipulate nature, why can’t we leave the primitive ways of living ingrained in our brains?

We know the first question is a fight for equality. The undoing of historical mistakes. An epic take on massive issues. It’s a fight we know we need to win. It’s the battle, we know we will win, eventually.

The second is interesting. The second question asks, that if we have left behind the roles dictated by the natural world, that if we are so free now to ask why only women have to bear children, why men are fighters and women have to always look flawless? We ask a fundamental question about evolution and what it has brought to the modern world? A kind of situation where our culture is now far bigger than what our nature can hold.

In a world of nearly 7.7 billion people, we are limited by biology to only know some 150 well. A world so global, yet we have a hard time understanding and accepting other cultures. We are at a crossroad. A place where we have to think out of our instincts. It may be ok for peacocks to grow such impressive plumage to court peahens, it may be ok for a lioness to hunt food for the lion, it may be alright with animals but we are no more a savage species.

If we are changing our ways of living, we must change our way of thinking too. It’s been years since we had a dearth of food, then why are we still obsessed with fats. It’s the call of today to bring equality to all. To let people do what they want to. Then why are we still stuck in kitchen roles and leadership positions?

It then certainly is a good question to ask- Will she propose to me?

Because if we don’t like to call ourselves savage beasts and instead tend to acknowledge ourselves as civilized, then what is it, if a woman does more than she should have done and men become more expressive than they think they need to be? After all, we are wise enough to know, that both are capable of anything they want to be.



Tony Steven Sheldon
Tony Steven Sheldon

Written by Tony Steven Sheldon

Writing Bits & Pieces of what is interesting in this world on The Steven Blog.

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