What Matters for Success?
Although there are many contributing factors in deciding your chances of becoming successful, there are some that are worth more thought.
Right off the bat, there are certain things you can’t control but that play a major role in your life’s success. For instance- the amount of investment you can make on yourself.
Mostly, this is done by guardians who invest money, time and effort in growing you as a person and giving you the required skills to make it well in this world. Thus from day one, you depend on someone else for your success. This factor which correlates with the wellness of guardians is what I call the richness factor.
For example, if you want to become a gamer or something along those lines, which require great upfront cost with little or no guarantee of future success, are fields open only for those who have rich guardians. A middle-class family has little incentive to get their kids games to play, let alone dream of giving them a gaming career. This is even worse for poor families.
Thus there are some areas where it is nigh impossible for less wealthy people to succeed or even enter. This closes many fields for poorer people and hence fewer opportunities to come out of poverty. And no matter how much the government or organizations try to help cover these gaps, they are extremely difficult to fill. This widens the gap between the poor and the rich.
There are certain things only the rich can do and one of them is to get rich easily.
The other important thing that affects one’s chances of success is what I call the success circle.
That is, if one already has successful people in one’s circle, courtesy to all the connections and resources these successful people can get, it will leave you better off than most.
Even though less successful people need to get more success in their circle to break out of the trap of unsuccessfulness and hardships, the world is so formed that it gets increasingly difficult for them to break the trap. Every generation of poor people go through harder and harder poverty and as the years roll out, getting out of the same poverty gets way more difficult for them than the previous generation. The same goes for many other resources that only the rich can get and/or is difficult to get for the poor.
This world is no open and flat ground for people to start from. You may be in the deepest trench ever while someone is a hand’s distance from the clouds to start with. Although newer technologies have made resources more accessible for poor and have made this ground a more level field, it is a far long way to go. Until then, one can either hope being born rich or hope someone rich will get them the resources to make it in this world.