Suicide as an Option
Death is a taboo. Death is often the worst thing that can happen. One does not think about death easily nor does one ever thinks about death as an option. It sometimes is too much for society to handle. We do not fear death, we just like to ignore its presence.
It is of course hard to accept death or to think of it as a normal part of our lives. Several religions and philosophies over years have tried to handle the aspect of death. Some say it is a passing, some say it is ultimate redemption, the ultimate revelation, some say it equal as life, but above all, it is what we all share and we all will ultimately experience. And it is one of life’s troublesome facets to deal with death, personally or socially.
But no one thinks its a choice. One seldom chooses death, it is death that chooses you. The Grim Reaper creeps in your life one day and commands you to come with him but you are reluctant. And nothing ever beats death, when its time- you gotta go. Nothing can shake motivation, dreams and plans as easily as death. The truth is that none of us wants death. It’s like why chose death when you can live, although with no real guarantee that living can be any better.
I propose now that death should also be an option. If living is already killing you then why not die. It makes things easier for everyone.
When life is sucking the blood out of you, when you realize the world is no more fair than a lightning strike, when you know the way ahead is a cliff, when you know the options are fast depleting, when you know the easiest way ahead and possibly the most satisfying is the ultimate redemption, I think one should choose death.
Of course, there can be a way out, there is always hope, something can surely be done but what are the odds? What tells you that the next day can be any better? If you are dying on the roadside, the fumes you smoke, the sun that tans you, the water that repels you, the food that never comes, when everything from the dirt to dust tries to kill you, maybe, just maybe then you are free to die. It’s courageous to try, to wait out and to not give up, however that courage shrinks fast enough for you to think of death as an option.
And I think its ok to think of death as an option. To think that suicide is just as good as waiting out another day. What good a half-dead person, waiting for death does for anyone. That society should not be so tensed about death. The disgust shown towards suicide or even the pity or empathy should be diluted a bit. There is definitely a world where suicide can be seen positively. We may lose a person in the process, but what that person saves himself/herself from is far more important. As a first step, we should, of course, lend a helping hand to everyone but if nothing works, I think we should look at it positively and possibly even respect.
I think that in the list we make of life decisions and choices, suicide should be an option, a contender even. Of course, it will never be on top but when death, at last, becomes a lot more peaceful and exciting than life itself, maybe its time to consider suicide as an option and be fine with it.