Evolution in the Modern World
There was a time when male beings of the human species contested with one another to get the female being. The female would choose the winner and thus the qualities of the man would be chosen to go to the next generation. The winner himself, then had a choice as an alpha male to choose among all females, the most suitable one. Thus ensuring natural selection and evolution through sexual selection.
But in this modern world of dating apps and social media, how many of the males today face direct competition with other males in reproducing their offsprings? Almost everyone gets a baby today and almost no one fights for it. Probably for love, but still the loser also finds love at last.
On the other hand, years ago folks used to die like flies. From natural selection to natural calamities, everything took their toll on humans. Our race lost most of the people who came into this world before they could reproduce. But now we live in a world where we try to keep everyone alive. Save them from diseases, bringing them back from accidents, curing their defects, even going so far as to revert their ageing. Saving almost all the offsprings of humanity- doesn’t matter of winners or of losers. All in all, we ensure that none of the people of this race ever face peril due to their physical issues. We save the best and the worst and somewhere in all this, wreck havoc to the whole natural selection thing.
Natural Selection is our past and as we step into the modern (or super modern) world, we are losing the ways we used to evolve.
It then becomes so much more important to take the matter into our own hands. As we lose, in all this progress our natural processes, we must then replace them with artificial ones. And the very thing that brings about this problem also has a solution for it — our brain.
We must now spend increasingly on research to understand these processes better, to the last of details and understand how we can alter and replace them with no catastrophic consequences.
The only way we can ensure the survival of our species in the modern world is to take evolution into our own hands. We may already have lost the natural ways long ago, but it is only now that we have alternatives to it. We must not fear this for in due time it was inevitable. We must at all costs become our own makers.
Moreover, it is natural selection itself playing a larger role in this scenario. Evolution gave us the smarter brains which lead us to a state of society where we have outgrown the old and slow natural processes. Now to survive is to become the fittest or in our case the smartest. And thus it now lies on the shoulders of the smart to get us evolved on our own. Natural Selection selected our qualities such, so we could eventually evolve ourselves without its help. And now that the torch is in our hands, we must keep the fire lit.