Do Different Things To Be Different
Almost everybody wants to be different. They want to be unique, someone whom the crowd notices.Someone with a name and flashes. But then almost everyone denies doing something different to achieve that.
One doesn’t do the same thing over and over again, all the while expecting different results. It just doesn’t add up. The same measure only ensures the same results.
To be different is in itself a unique task and employing the same old tricks to be different is no more redundant than using the same gun again, which just backfired on you. The results may well shock you but fairly enough they were already staring you at your face.
People spend lifetimes doing things that they think can make them different but they do it in the same way that other millions are doing too. And when million other people are doing and being the same as you, what you’ll get is million unique people completely identical. Not so unique after all.
What works here is really wandering out of the town, to make a new path, to turn a new stone and so on and so forth. A million things can be invented and yet another million ways to do the same old things in an entirely new fashion. Human ingenuity knows no bounds. We break things and we make things and in that natural state of childlike curiosity and caveman like toolmanship lets you explore things and see new faces. Of course, the tools are same, the material a thousand-year-old, the trick just about the same, the place feels like home but what is different is-you. The person who has been freshly moulded out of experiences half out of chance and half out of choice. You are the face of new. Your brain is like a roaring engine of freshly churned out steam. Just let go.
After all, being different may just mean being you. The only sure way of being different is to put your raw experiences at work since the only copy the world has of you and your experiences is the one in your brain. You are different, wearing the same clothes as everyone. Get naked, get rushing. The time is now. Do different things to be different.